WP Leader: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

Project management activities are focused on:
- Overall project management and coordination, communication with EIT
To set up an efficient project communication strategy, coordinate all WP leaders and organize regular WP leaders´ meetings, monitoring the progress of the project work against KPIs, milestones and deliverables in order to achieve all objectives, and make sure that project reporting is prepared in accordance with EIT rules and in timely manner. - Impact evaluation
To assess impact and quality of activities using HEInnovate self-assessments and questionnaires - Fostering gender dimension of all WPs
To monitor and evaluate the impact of the involvement of the gender dimension in the individual WPs and provide feedback to working groups of all partner HEIs being in charge of the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan.
WP2: Training and mentoring
WP Leader: Universität Wien

Training and mentoring activities are focused on:
- Setting the Stage
Different HEIs have different structures, focuses and offer different entrepreneurial education contents and mentoring. Thus, WP2 will focus on finding effective ways for cooperation, knowledge exchange and best practices between the participating HEIs and stakeholders from the Knowledge Triangle. WP2 will screen the available resources, considering the unique needs of each target group and compile a list of courses and mentoring programmes provided at each HEI along with their educational needs. WP2 will explore in depth the content of the EIT Professional Development courses along with other relevant online resources (e.g. ASTP courses on technology transfer) to understand how to make the best use of them in the training programmes. - Planning
This task is a key element of preparation with long-term implications for the later phases of the project. It involves adapting and planning the training and mentoring offer to the needs and strengths of the Consortium members. Improvement the ability of each HEI with the help of competences from full and associate partners and define the content and timeline for HEIs will be identified. The preparation will also include outlining staff exchanges, train-the-trainer courses and ongoing sharing of best practices. An integral part of the task is also to initiate collaboration between different units of each HEI providing diverse entrepreneurial training activities and mentoring so that the entrepreneurial activities within the institution can be structured. - Courses deployment
Trainings and mentoring will be provided to all defined target groups. The training will comprise educational resources available online (mostly EIT Professional Development courses) and existing face-to-face courses, masterclasses accompanied by mentoring, and tailored educational and mentoring programmes. - Learn and improve
Based on direct experience made by the WP leaders in each HEI and on the feedback collected from participants, the course portfolio and the mentoring programme will be improved (if needed) to provide a better offering in each HEI. WP2 will also analyse the weaknesses in networking and suggest measures to make it more seamless. HEIs will acquire sufficient in-house trainers trained in the required areas during this phase to enable sustainable transfer of competences.
WP3: Multidisciplinary digital skills
WP Leader: The Maker Institute

Multidisciplinary digital skills activities are focused on:
- Infrastructure setup and creation of educational content
Mapping of infrastructure inside or outside of each HEI involved/ search for partners outside HEI. The partners involved will search for existing makerspaces or FabLabs within their institution and those that are outside and open to collaborate and align with their mission. - Space establishment preparation
Preparation for establishment of new space or cooperation agreement with existing one. The Maker Institute can provide know-how and assess the best viable strategy for each HEI to start developing their own partnership or launch their courses within their own premises. - Current classes mapping and compilation of the digital skill database
Mapping of existing classes or courses related to maker skills. Existing courses can be compiled and the trainers can be contacted in order to include in an iteration of these with a creative or deep tech focus. This task will relate to WP2 in mentoring, as it will provide new opportunities for trainers to be acquainted with creative ways how to teach courses.
Existing digital skill building courses from makerspaces and The Maker Institute shall be compiled and contacts within HEIs collected. - Planning of educational content
Adapting creative exercises with digital skills building with a deep tech focus according to findings in infrastructure setup. - Pilot test courses & Evaluating pilot courses & Launching renewed courses
The educational content and creative and design-oriented courses will be developed in order to cultivate the innovation, involvement and materialization of deep tech ideas, and they will be prepared for integration into the curricula; a roadmap to sustaining and involving deep tech courses with the aid of FabLabs/makerspaces will be prepared.
WP4: Innovation support system
WP Leader: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Innovation support system activities are focused on:
- Mapping of existing innovation support systems
It consists of mapping and screening of existing support systems at individual partner HEIs with the aim of creating a model adapted to the needs of deep tech. - Support of concrete start-ups
It aims at mapping of potential start-ups which can be supported at individual HEIs and at analysing of support needed and of available resources (financial support, mentoring, using of resources of Consortium partners). A start-ups competition for entrepreneurs and early-stage start-ups is planned, which aims at supporting new ideas. - Improving technology transfer models at partner HEIs
Based on existing models and examples of good practice, an integrated technology transfer model taking into account the requirements of all partner HEIs should be proposed and guidelines for users (students, academic staff) – for example IP for spin-off policies should be prepared. - Enhancing model of cooperation within the Knowledge Triangle
It aims at strengthening the mutual cooperation of actors within the framework of the Knowledge Triangle model, and at the identification of barriers hampering wider involvement of local/regional actors. - Scaling up the support of chosen start-ups
Due to the integration of technology transfer models at the individual HEIs, the HEIs can provide manifolder support of the chosen start-ups. Activities of the task will lead to the creation of the support system for start-ups covering regulatory and legislation issues including the identification of the weak points of start-up operation.
WP5: Communication, dissemination and exploitation
WP Leader: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

Communication, dissemination and exploitation activities are focused on:
- Mapping and planning
Mapping and analysis of communication and dissemination practices at individual HEIs with the aim to create an effective common model for the project activities and coordinated strategy.
Three layers for communication and dissemination activities will be considered (i) at individual HEIs (micro), (ii) among HEIs (meso), (iii) outside the project (macro).
Focus will be on target groups corresponding to individual layers (i) students, alumni, academic and non-academic staff, (ii) students, academic and non-academic staff and developed networks, (iii) innovation & entrepreneurial community/centres, policy makers, business operators, general public.
For Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy (CDES), objectives, methodology, key messages, tools, channels, target groups, partner´s roles and responsibilities – action plan, monitoring and evaluation system, policy for exploitation of project results, links with other WPs, link with EIT community, sustainability plan will be defined. A project identity including logo, website, templates, social media will be proposed. A stakeholder’s database will be also established to build-up links with communities and individuals both inside and outside the project. CDES will be monitored at regular basis and updated accordingly. - Execution
Adoption of communication, dissemination and exploitation inspection into strategy of individual HEIs with the aim to use and test optimised approaches in increasing effectiveness of these activities and actions. The sharing of best practice between the HEIs partners will ensure that the communication and dissemination potential is maximised regarding the target group and their active participation in the project activities. The appropriate “Success Story” will be also chosen and elaborated for sharing.

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