University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT)

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT) belongs among the largest educational and research institutions in Central and Eastern Europe focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technology, material and chemical engineering, food industry and the environment. It continues the almost 200-year tradition of teaching technical chemistry in the Czech Republic. It currently consists of four faculties – the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Environmental Technology, the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology and the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, as well as a number of school-wide institutes, such as School of Business. The university also operates its own science and research Technopark Kralupy and the University Center in Litvínov. Its tradition and extensive scientific and research potential predestined it to educate top experts for industrial practice, research and development and state administration. UCT excels in linking educational activities with high-quality research, both basic and applied. UCT is also characterized by traditional and very close cooperation with industry, active transfer of scientific knowledge into practice, participation in innovation and industrial research and development activities. In financial terms, the volume of creative activities focusing on science, research and innovation covers more than 55% of the annual budget.
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA)

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA) has strong basis in educational and scientific activities of sustainable development, environmental protection, preservation of biological diversity, quality nutrition and safe food production, landscape creation, climate change, engineering, effective development of agriculture and rural areas. SUA is the only agricultural university and the only university recognized as the EIT Food Hub in Slovakia. When contributing to the fulfilment of the project objectives, SUA is offering its experience in building partnerships with scientific and educational institutions, the community and companies, as it cultivates close and productive links with its local and regional community and expands its work in an international context in both teaching and scientific research. lt has a strong tradition of working in collaboration with business and industry and playing an active role in economic development. SUA supports entrepreneurial ideas, creative thinking and talent using own facilities and infrastructure like Creative Centre, Food incubator, and SuperUniCowork Centre. lts ambition is to capture the untapped potential of young people – university and high school graduates of various specializations, but also start-ups and existing entrepreneurs. Moreover, SUA is an associated partner to the project InterHEI, led by EIT Food KIC partner University of Warsaw, as a part of EIT HEI Initiative (Call 2). The project benefits from an alignment with the goals of EIT Food and EIT Health, and its outcomes support the strategic aims of these KICs. The Consortium of DETECT! envisions closer collaboration with InterHEI, which contributes to further edification of the innovation ecosystem of the Consortium partners on the European level.
Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS)

Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS) is a leading university of life sciences in Poland. The University provides not only academic learning but also extra-curricular courses for students and also for academic and non-academic staff. Lately, as part of EU project, PULS provided courses for academic teachers concerning new and creative teaching methods as problem-based learning, Design Thinking and tutoring. The participation in the EIT HEI Initiative is an opportunity to systemize that offer on entrepreneurship related courses, as well as on courses enhancing multidisciplinary digital skills of the university stakeholders. The Innovation and Technology Transfer Center has already some successful actions and projects in its resume. The staff has a great knowledge and potential and already established a cooperation network with social-economic environment of the University. That can be treated as a base of potential external entrepreneurship experts for the project.
University of Vienna (UW)

University of Vienna (UW) offers a wide range of higher education programmes and is one of the leading research intensive universities in Europe. UW pursues research and education in many disciplines, thus making it a great reservoir of interdisciplinary approaches to entrepreneurship. The “Research Network Data Science” (RNDS) is an example of excellent interdisciplinary synergies, where researchers from STEM to SSH share the common interest on data science and machine learning. The RNDS develops new methodological approaches that will boost deep-tech innovation at UW. This kind of innovation is also pursued by the Faculty of Life Sciences and of Physics (the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 was given to an UW professor for his contributions to the second quantum revolution). Finally, UW has recently started investing in academic entrepreneurship with the plan to increase the number of spin-offs, in particular from deep technologies. UW role in the project is pivotal to develop new training and mentoring programmes that will be offered with the support of the EIT HEI Initiative grant.
National University of Shipbuilding in Mykolaiv (NUOS)

National University of Shipbuilding in Mykolaiv (NUOS) is leader in technical and technological education and science in the southern region of Ukraine, as it is the only industry HEI in the field of shipbuilding and maritime infrastructure (marine complex) of Ukraine. The university has close ties and extensive experience in the field of technical entrepreneurship and innovative industry development programmes. During the project, NUOS intends to implement its experience of cooperation between the academic school and industry and diverse technology groups. In addition, NUOS aims at providing its graduates with greater access to work in high-tech companies around the world, while supporting an ever-growing ecosystem of friends and partners. Therefore, the EIT HEI Initiative is a unique opportunity to find new partners with strong STEM departments.
Maker Institute (MI)

The Maker Institute (MI) provides the know-how and expertise on how to develop interdisciplinary activities with both creative and deep tech focus oriented via the use of digital skills and maker technologies. Its specific role is to provide the know-how on how to open, operate, and activate fabrication laboratories (FabLabs) and makerspaces and extend their role within and outside of academia, as motors of innovation, creative, and entrepreneurial mindset and interdisciplinary hubs. Maker Institute showcases the bridging space and place where materialization of projects, challenges, and hackathons occur and interdisciplinary community events that will enhance the Knowledge Triangle happen. It will help to develop further curricula and to embed industrial challenges into the HEIs.
Technology Innovation Centre Zlín (TIC Zlín)

The Technology Innovation Centre Zlín (TIC Zlín) was founded in 2005 as a joint project of Tomas Bata University in Zlín and the Zlín Regional Government. TIC Zlín is traditionally a strong partner in the field of education support, mentoring and support of educators and in the field of entrepreneurship. It is also well focused on marketing and media support. Thus, it will contribute to an upgrade of the curricula of the Consortium partners and to the recruitment of deep tech talents in particular, and participants in the project activities in general.
Bar-Ilan University (BIU)

Bar-Ilan University (BIU) research fields are, among others, bio-medicine, communications and cyber security, cognitive sciences, nanotechnology and advanced materials, network science, and renewable energy. BIU brings in its expertise in entrepreneurship – UnBox Ventures is an impact creation platform where research excellence meets purposeful entrepreneurship to solve complex challenges facing society. With access to BIU’s research, UnBox Ventures transforms ideas into global impact with the support of start–up-savvy mentors and the university’s top leadership.
Humboldt-Innovation (HI)

The Humboldt-Innovation (HI) is the dedicated knowledge and technology transfer office of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. As a 100% subsidiary enterprise of the University, Humboldt-Innovation acts as comprehensive interface between university and industry – between science and business.
INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH (INiTS)

INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH (INiTS) is Vienna’s high-tech incubator and has established itself as one of the best academic incubators worldwide since its foundation in 2002. With its collaborative business modeling approach, customized consulting and training services, STARTkapital of up to €100,000, and a tightly knit partner network, INiTS has become the platform for high-performing innovative research and technology-intensive startups in the Austrian startup ecosystem.

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